Mysteria Mystica Maxima

418 Oasis offers initiation for the Man of Earth Triad, from Minerval through IV and P.I. degrees.

Initiate membership is available to every individual who is free, at least 18 years old, and of good report. O.T.O. initiations are conferred through a physical ceremony conducted by a chartered initiator.

The path to becoming an initiate member of O.T.O. involves contacting the Oasis, obtaining an application for initiation, and submitting it along with the appropriate dues and fees.

In order to establish “good report,” your application must be signed by two sponsors who are already I° initiates of O.T.O. Prospective sponsors will generally want to get to know you before signing your application, which may involve your attendance with them at several local body events.

If you have questions about initiation, feel free to talk to a lodge officer at any 418 event.